My Article Page!
Gender Justice in Employment and in Profession
Justice N.K. Jain
Justice Mr. N.K.
Jain had prepared some lectures on different topics relating to law and delivered
at various functions including
My colleagues
and friends insisted me to get those lectures published in the form of a small booklet,
not for sale, which will enable public at large to know about the legal issues involved
on subject. In this way, in addition to legal awareness, it will also help the members
of legal fraternity.
With the consent
of Justice Mr. N.K. Jain, Chairperson Rajasthan State Human Rights Commission, Jaipur.
In continuation of my earlier efforts of releasing his lectures, now
I am releasing
the lectures viz. Gender Justice in Employment and in Profession, Law of Precedents
in small booklets. This exercise is to perpetuate the memory of my beloved grand
father late Justice J.P. Jain, who died as a sitting Judge of Rajasthan High Court,
—Gaurav Jain
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